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Although due to my rigorous classes and involvement in school clubs, I do not have much free time, during breaks, I enjoy a variety of activities, including reading and photography! Suspense-filled novels, I have found, are capable of transporting me into a new world, where I can enjoy myself while maintaining a distance from the action-filled world around me. Recently, I have begun exploring aerial photography and have found it to be a wonderful experience!


Photograph by Parth Parikh

Computer Programming

Since my childhood, I have been intrigued by the backend functionality of the technologies we use every day! From the smartwatches on our wrists to the smartphones on our pockets to the laptops that process information at ridiculous speeds, computers are all around us. Their diverse functions and the enhancement of lifestyles through programming have captivated my interest in the field. Innumerable times, I have been lost in the world of programming, exploring the intricacies of computers and pushing the limits of their functions.

Computer Programming


Book on Table


Reading everything from math conjectures and theorems to suspense-filled novels enthralls me! This avid passion for reading has also encouraged my participation in USAD (United States Academic Decathlon), which consists of hundreds of pages of college-level material in addition to a literature selection of a novel. When reading fiction, I am always eager to learn about the author and the influence of real-world events on the author! Stemming from my passions in math and computer science, I also enjoy reading articles on technology and new mathematical/scientific developments.

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